Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trenz and The Great Wait

So, I finished some prototype logos for Trenz Academy. I emailed Tina about them and I am still waiting for feedback on the Noah Spencer Foundation. I am still iffy on the color schemes...I am thinking of adding swirlies (not childish, but rather classy calligraphy looking stuff...i just don't know the name of it) on the border and corners. Here's the three prototypes:
black and white (i think i want to make the hair curlers more circular...but i'm waiting for feedback from tina)

this one has all the colors, but i think it might actually be too colorful...

this one is...ok...i think if i am going to do a plain one like this, there needs to be less details on the eyes and maybe more black...

Anyway, on to Terra Java! I am trying to get a survey started at Terra Java. They have an Ipad at their cash register, so I am hoping we can use that for the poll instead of using paper. I just need to find an app for it...or a website...still a work in progress, as you can see. Which makes me sad because it's such a simple poll!
So, I emailed Chef O, but I am still waiting for a reply. I also need her financial her profit margin for the last four months (not that I know how to calculate a profit margin...I guess I'm getting some accounting skills out of this, too). Then I probably need to make a fancy chart and get percentages for increases or decreases in profit...I am really just hoping that her profit margin increased while I helped out. Otherwise, my project is a big fail. It will be like chemistry all over again....doing a lab, getting the wrong results after doing it right, barely passing...anyways, I can't lose hope! :D

~Until My Next Adventure

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