Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Finale

It's the end of my internship, almost the end of all senior research project stuff. And yet, it feels that there is still so much to do. A power point and a presentation. With my presenting skills and a horrible lack of numerical or scientific research, the entire presentation will go like so:
"Hi, my name is Gabby - I mean, Gabrielle McNamara - and I advertised. Here's a small summary of what I did *(points)*, and here are some pretty pictures I made on my computer *(points)*. Here's a slide with numbers on how useful I was as an advertiser *(points)*. Thank you."
Ok, so it probably won't be THAT bad, but you get the idea.
Also, I got the survey back today from Terra Java. 30 people took it. Out of 30, 100% said that they found Terra Java through community outreach. But I think the results are skewed because I am assuming that community oriented people are more likely to answer a survey like that without an outside incentive (like a free cup of coffee). Also, social networking probably reaches a lot more people who just can't go to Terra Java because they aren't in the community.
Besides this, Terra Java is trying to win a local business contest through Intuit. I've been advertising it through social networking because I wasn't really sure how to advertise that through community outreach...

So I guess this is the end...Some things that I have learned from this experience:
1. blogging is NOT my thing
2. don't jump into something that you have no idea how to do. Just no.
3. don't waste time on things that will definitely be of little benefit (I learned that with ray eyewear...they never paid me and I helped them so much!)
4. have fun with what you are doing. if you like what you do, you will do it well.
5. get enough sleep. trust me. coffee makes it worse...
I have no other advice. I hope you guys liked what I have done! I'm so glad I found so many opportunities to work with. I think this was a good learning experience and I hope I can learn more as I go.

~Time to Find Another Adventure

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Survey of Social Understanding

I'm back in Arizona for some of the week. Yay, hot weather! At least it's not extremely hot yet; still nice enough to go outside....kinda...
Anyways, for my final week, besides working on the power point, I have been working on a survey for Terra Java. I finally made it and printed 100 copies. It wasn't too bad since I was able to fit 10 surveys per page. Its a really short survey, only one question: How did you find out about Terra Java? And I have a few options, like facebook/social networking sites, event websites (like yelp), restaurant reviews (i.e. urbanspoon), food blogs, friends/family/coworkers/word of mouth, invited to an event at terra java, and then I have an "other" option. I realize now that I should have put down "newspaper" as an option, but it's too late now. Also, I feel like that will be very few people. Most people that I've talked to have said that they found out through facebook or word of mouth (or a confusing mix of both that I don't know how to differentiate...for example, a friend will invite a friend through facebook to an event a Terra Java....still not sure how to categorize that). I advertised the survey on the facebook page and I hope that it will be a success. If not, I would still have an estimate of the success of community outreach vs. social networking. So far for this project, it seems that community outreach is more successful. But I might be wrong, we will see.
Since I forgot to take a picture of the the cute survey boxes that I got for the small surveys because I'm a horrible blogger :P, I have this artsy picture and a coffee comic to try to make up for it! Enjoy:

~ Until My Next Adventure

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Last of the Logos

I did it. The last of my logo projects are complete, satisfaction guaranteed by the adviser Tina and her co-owners. I am very excited about the final products! For The Noah Spencer Foundation, I fixed the uneven lettering and changed the blue, so it's officially complete. Also, for Trenz, I put a nice border around it and only put a little bit of color on the eye and lips (requested by Tina). Here's a look at the two...

I think I'm literally in love with the Trenz logo! (I don't mean to sound narcissistic, I just think that it's my best work yet and it looks like a REAL DEAL logo)
Right now, I am waiting for complete approval by all the co-owners of Trenz and the members of the Noah Spencer Foundation, but so far everyone who has seen them has liked them.
Besides logos, I have talked to Chef O about the survey for Terra Java, and it was approved. I already started it on the facebook page, and it seems that most people know about it by community outreach (aka, word of mouth, invited to an event, newspaper article, etc). Although I did a survey online, I am still going to do a survey inside the coffee shop to see if the results follow up with the results from online. I am going to do a paper survey and put a drop box next to it so that people ordering coffee and stuff might take it while they check out or wait for their coffee. Hopefully, I will get a lot of responses! Also, I got permission from Chef O to see some of her records, so I will have more evidence to work with.

~Until My Next Adventure

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trenz and The Great Wait

So, I finished some prototype logos for Trenz Academy. I emailed Tina about them and I am still waiting for feedback on the Noah Spencer Foundation. I am still iffy on the color schemes...I am thinking of adding swirlies (not childish, but rather classy calligraphy looking stuff...i just don't know the name of it) on the border and corners. Here's the three prototypes:
black and white (i think i want to make the hair curlers more circular...but i'm waiting for feedback from tina)

this one has all the colors, but i think it might actually be too colorful...

this one is...ok...i think if i am going to do a plain one like this, there needs to be less details on the eyes and maybe more black...

Anyway, on to Terra Java! I am trying to get a survey started at Terra Java. They have an Ipad at their cash register, so I am hoping we can use that for the poll instead of using paper. I just need to find an app for it...or a website...still a work in progress, as you can see. Which makes me sad because it's such a simple poll!
So, I emailed Chef O, but I am still waiting for a reply. I also need her financial her profit margin for the last four months (not that I know how to calculate a profit margin...I guess I'm getting some accounting skills out of this, too). Then I probably need to make a fancy chart and get percentages for increases or decreases in profit...I am really just hoping that her profit margin increased while I helped out. Otherwise, my project is a big fail. It will be like chemistry all over again....doing a lab, getting the wrong results after doing it right, barely passing...anyways, I can't lose hope! :D

~Until My Next Adventure

Monday, April 15, 2013

Logo Revamp

Sorry for only doing one blog last week. I got caught up visiting a college for a whole weekend. I went to Lehigh and let's just say my experience was...interesting...

So, to update, I've been working on the logos for Tina. So far, looking pretty good. The noah spencer foundation is almost done. We decided to go with a different color scheme because the blue was too hard to read. Here's the new logo:

ok, the more i look at it, the more the blue looks indigo. So i am going to change that to a dark/navy blue so the red will pop more. And then, once that's done, I will fix the letters (because they're crooked) and then fix the outline of the letters and stars if Tina wants that to be changed.

For Trenz, I haven't had much time to work on it. I tried fixing it up today, but it refused to look any better. That's what I get for trying to use circles for it. Circles suck! They're 360 degrees of pure evil!!! Here's the Trenz logo drawn in pen:
Things I should have thought of (and might do now) when I was making this: 1) clean sheet of paper, 2) less inky of a pen, and 3) go slow on the circles.

Besides this, I noticed that Terra Java had a meet and greet with Kyrsten Sinema. How did I find out? Their facebook page! Because nobody tells their advertiser anything. (insert thumbs up here along with really exaggerated and sarcastic smile)

~Until My Next Adventure

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Excitement: Swell, Burst, Fizzle, Repeat

Earlier this week, Bobby Keller from Terra Java actually responded back to me within a couple days after his first email that said he would get back to me that night. 
My reaction?

O.O    "what?"
*o*     "WOAH"

I hope the emotion-cons helped you to understand my awe and excitement. This kind of thing hardly ever happens. Then my excitement quickly faded when I realized how much more work there was...
Anyways, I quickly finished the press release and have finished sending it off to all the local news channels/papers/radio stations, etc...(well, for the radio stations, I had to submit an event instead, so I just submitted the Perky Hour event). I guess the next steps will be to advertise perky hour a little more on sites like yelp. Then, I need to somehow get back to Arizona in time to get people at Terra Java to fill out a survey asking how they found out about Terra Java. I guess I will just spend a day there...that means I will have to get up extra early on a week day and see if anyone will be nice enough to answer my question. I don't know if I should approach them directly or if I should leave a paper out somewhere where someone might notice and answer it instead of being up in their face....but then less people will answer....hmm....maybe the survey could be like a raffle and someone will be lucky enough to win a free cup of coffee, or something like that. 

I'm gonna need help on this one...

Anyways, I have been working with Tina, co-owner of Trenz, on the logo for Trenz. I finally got it! It's pure artistic genius that could never be replicated by my hand again (seriously, though, I don't think I can draw it again...). I was so excited when I made it, I just knew it was the one!
sorry that you got the sideways version, but this is the logo (just tilt your head a little to the right)
All i need to do is touch it up and put some color on it, then TADA, it's magnifico!

For the noah spencer foundation, she said that it was hard to see the letters, and I agree with her. So, I tried to make the colors brighter. Does this look any better?
new one:
old one:
The colors are still a little hard to see on the new one, but so much better. I sent it to her for a second opinion. Also, the more I look at it, the more annoyed I am about the uneveness of the words....I think I can fix that on photo shop, though it will take a's hoping it looks good!

~Until My Next Adventure

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Noah Spencer Foundation Prototypes

So, shocker, still waiting on Bobby Keller to get back to me on the questions I asked him to answer for the press release. This is only the second time I have emailed him questions (and this time I made them very specific so it would be easier to answer) and still nothing. The funniest part was that he sent me an email in reply saying that he'd get back to me that night....still nothing.

I really want to vent some more, but that might turn nasty, so I will try to stay nice and just talk about the logos I've been working on for The Noah Spencer Foundation. I have three different logos, all of them prototypes. I sent them to Tina to see what she thinks and now I am just waiting for a response. Here's a look:

black and white (I'm not sure why it got cut off....I hope that's not how it looks when Tina opens it)
color with white background (I want to do something different with the stars, but I'm not sure yet what to do)
color with black background (I like this one best in some aspects, but not others...the stars look brighter, but you can barely read the lettering....maybe if I outline that in white?)

Besides that, there are no more updates. I never received a response from Suzy Lippmann at Terra Java, to whom I suggested an Art Show of some sorts. She either never got my email, thought of it as unimportant, or didn't want to upset me by saying that it's a bad idea. I am mature enough to handle criticism, so I won't be upset. What really upsets me is people not responding at all. I'd much rather get a rejection than silence.

Next Plan? Work on Trenz and hope in vain for a response from Bobby Keller or Suzy Lippmann.

~Until My Next Adventure

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Waiting Game

The waiting game is never fun. Never. But some times are better than others....for example, waiting for Tina (the co-owner of Trenz and a helper of the Noah Spencer Foundation) to respond to the messages I sent her wasn't bad at all. She responded in about 24 hrs and was very thorough. Because of her quick response, I can now finish the Noah Spencer Foundation logo and try to fix the Trenz logo. But some times are worse than waiting for someone to respond to my email on the press release I am trying to do for Terra Java. I finished a prototype press release, but I need help from Bobby who went to the competition. He hasn't responded to my email that I sent over a week and a half ago...very frustrating, indeed.

So, without further ado, here is the prototype for the noah spencer foundation:

ok, so it's a little crooked in this picture, but you get the idea. Just a few touch ups (which takes longest for something black and white like this) and add some color to it (blue is spencer's favorite color, so some of that must be in it), and alakahzam! A brand new logo for the foundation. And because I am a perfectionist, I will definitely have to straighten every line and angle every curve just artistic OCD is, as they say, both a blessing and a curse.

I changed the Trenz logo a bit, but Tina said I need to make it simpler. So I will keep this one for website purposes and start working on a simpler cursive one.

~ Until My Next Adventure

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New Logos for New Happenings

Today, I worked on new logos for The Noah Spencer Foundation and Trendz Academy. They are rough sketches, and I couldn't quite decide on the design...
For Trenz, I originally thought of doing just the T but decided to write out the whole name in the design. And it is cursive....but with a twist....remember, this is a beauty academy (so facials, manicures, hair cutting, etc):
i am not so sure about the manicured hand for the "n" or the lips and freckles on the z...but i like the first three letters. I just hope that it's clear that it's hair being curled....I might change the T slightly because the shape annoys me. I have to wait for feedback from the co-owner first

For the Noah Spencer foundation, I want to finish their logo this week (hopefully). Noah is the lucky star, so I tried working with that idea. I had trouble thinking of a design for the star, so I might skip trying to design a fancy star and just add it to the name of the foundation are my rough sketches:

I think I will probably use the top one...I've grown fond of the neon-sign look with the shooting stars. But, I might need to keep the other pics for the website. Again, though, I am waiting for feedback.

Besides this, I am going to finish the press release for Terra Java. I think that will be my mission for tomorrow.

~ Until My Next Adventure

Friday, March 29, 2013

Slow Changes, But Getting There

So there is no sandwich making competition. It makes me very sad. It's probably too much of a hassle for them to try to put on. So, as far as creating events and helping Terra Java, I have basically only given them more contacts for music showcases and art sellings, along with an interview with Arcadia News. I feel just a little bit like a failure, but I still have hope! I am hoping that Suzy Lippman gets back to me over email (she is a barista at the shop) about an Art Show at Terra Java. It could be the presentation of all the new artists they have coming to Terra Java. Or perhaps an auction of art. We shall see.
So instead of working on a press release for Bobby heading to Regionals or the Sandwich Making competition, I will just make one for Terra Java's new hours and their Perky Hour (kinda like a happy hour for coffee). I will finish that this weekend and then email it off to local magazines, newspapers, radio stations, etc...
Also, I saw that Terra Java finally put up the sign I made! I was so excited when I saw it out front that I took photos for proof.
I met with the Las Dos Damas lady today. She likes what I have done with the logo (yes!). Here's the finished product via computer (it still needs work after we print it):

the next steps will be cutting and gluing on backgrounds, outlining the ladies, stamping the Las Dos Damas name on the front, and numbering the cards. Yes, it's non-traditional multi-media. It's pretty fun for artsy people like me.
Since I am done with that, I will be working on Trenz and The Noah Spencer Foundation. I am hoping to finish the Noah Spencer Foundation logo before April 8th so that they have it for media purposes. Wish me luck!

~Until My Next Adventure

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sandwich Competition will get a press release...eventually...

Hi internet people! Happy belated passover/early Easter! Today, I am going to talk about how to advertise events and how the many music showcases and my sandwich making competition idea have failed to follow these easy steps!

1. The idea is to think of the event well in advance of when the event will happen. This includes planning many details of the event, like date, time, and activities, and making sure it stays busy yet fun!
2. Then, whoever is coordinating the event contacts their advertiser/marketer/public-relations-er and sees what kind of advertisements to do and where.
3. After that, prep for the event and get all the little details worked out. This is the point where you may also contact people you know and get them interested.
4. Keep your advertiser updated.
5. Bring on the event's activities!

Guess which steps are not followed? 2 and 5! It seems that it is much easier to plan and advertise an event when the advertiser is involved. Go figure.

On the plus side, I now know how to do a press release! I got all the little details from a friend of a friend who works in public relations. I am hoping to do a press release on the sandwich making competition, perhaps another music showcase, or an art show/auction. I have contacted Suzy Lippmann about the art show idea and Bobby Keller (in fact, the whole staff, but bobby was the only one who replied) about the sandwich competition. I don't know if any of it will get done, but it would be a nice idea. Also, I think that if Suzy says no to an art show for local artists, perhaps I could contact a school nearby and see if they want to hold an art show at Terra Java. Just some thoughts...

Until something solid shows up, here's a pretty picture of delicious Easter basket goodies!

Alli the Easter Egg

~Until My Next Adventure

Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Things for Spring

Sorry for not posting! I've been busy planning my big move to California to live with my dad in California. I will be driving to California on Easter Sunday (night). I will still be coming back to Arizona to visit on the weekends occasionally, and my senior project is mostly online, so I will still be able to work on my Senior Project.

This week, I have mostly just been updating the social networking sites for all the businesses I am working with. I have decided to make a press release about Terra Java's barista Bobby Keller and his adventure at the South West Regional Barista Competition (swrbc)! Unfortunately, he won't respond to my emails about either the sandwich making competition or the swrbc. Is it just me, or does only 20% of the population respond to communication now a day? Anyways, it seems like I am just going to have to do the press release without his help. But, if he wants me to do a press release about this sandwich making competition, he must get back to me soon. Otherwise, it's a no-go. 

Anyways, I have been working with the logos for Las Dos Damas, Trenz, and now the Noah Spencer Foundation. I am almost complete with the Las Dos Damas logo and just starting on the Trenz and Noah Spencer Foundation. For Trenz, I will be working on a cursive "T" logo (thinking about making it a cursive T made out of hair...still working on the idea and sketching it, though). I will be working on a "lucky star" for the Noah Spencer Foundation. I'm debating on a shooting star or a star with 8 points....I have too many ideas for this one. Also, the Noah Spencer Foundation ( is working on another caving trip for Noah Spencer on April 8th! I will be doing a press release on that so they can get a little more coverage. But Noah seems to be getting a lot of coverage already! His last caving trip was covered by many different news programs and newspapers. For trenz academy, I will working on their website and possibly a facebook page for them. 

Here's an awesome pic of the logo that I am almost done with for Las Dos Damas:

I just need to touch it up, outline it in black, and frame it in a card border. (insert thumbs up here). Then I can start getting super serious with my other business' logos.

~Until My Next Adventure

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Subliminal Messaging (youlikethis).

Perhaps that title wasn't subtle enough. Hopefully, this logo for Las Dos Damas is a little more subtle...

Alright, let's decipher this picture. The lady who is running Las Dos Damas also owns Botanica, a flower and  landscaping shop. She is selling her Las Dos Damas products in Ray Eyewear, which sells glasses. Any guesses yet? One lady is holding flowers and the other is holding glasses (I took away the purse), to resemble a sort of merger between Ray Eyewear and Botanica.
For this logo, I am changing the lady on the right to a different color and pattern outfit. She will have the opposite colors of the lady on the left. Her outfit will be pink/salmon and her accents will be blue. The background will be two cards layered over each other (as if the two ladies were positioned in the cards and then broke the confinements to join forces...or something like that). Then the lady who owns las dos damas is going to get a big stamp that is customized to whatever font design we like and we are going to print this out and stamp it. It will be a bit multimedia because once I am done with these ladies and their cards, we will be printing and gluing and stamping ink onto them.

For the logo for Trenz Academy, I brainstormed with the partial owner and she wants to do either a curly cursive T with some design hinting at esthetics, a specialty for their school, (a challange I am willing to take on) or perhaps a pair of scissors cutting hair for the T. I will have to experiment with this one....I don't know exactly what esthetics is (I tried googling it, but no clear answers came for how you teach or learn esthetics...). She also wants me to do a logo and perhaps even a press release for a charity called The Noah Spencer Foundation. Noah Spencer is her friend's son, and he has muscular dystrophy, which means that he cannot move and is not expected to live past young adulthood. But he is a strong kid. They call him the Lucky Star (another good logo idea). The foundation has done a lot for him, and hopefully I can help them out.

~Until My Next Adventure

Friday, March 8, 2013

Press Release...A How-To Guide On How to Guess How to Do a Press Release

So, I sent out a mass email to all the staff about how we should do a sandwich making competition....still no word from anybody on that. So that worries me. 
You know what worries me more than silence, though? A request by my boss to do something that I don't know how to do. To be very honest (and humble, I guess, considering how embarrased I am), I don't understand what a press release is, let alone on how to do one. I understand the rest: critiques, reviews, articles, mentions, ads, etc...but what the heck is a Press Release? I asked one of my friend's friends about it (she's in marketing), and she said that I basically have to make it appealing enough for a local paper to publish while also doing most of the work for them. I can do that. Only problem is that I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. I am going to need a lot of help on this. Either that, or I am going to go through a lot of trial and error, ridicule, and shame. I am hoping for the first option...
Oh, I didn't even tell you what the press release was about. One of the baristas there, Bobby Keller, is going to a regional barista competition. Pretty cool stuff. 

Besides this bit of hysteria, my week has been pretty good. I have gotten a lot of responses from the artists and musicians I emailed. It seems that half the Phoenix area is interested in doing an art show or a music showcase at Terra Java. I have also been working on Las Dos Damas logos. I met with the lady who owns it (well, actually, I found out that her sister really owns it but the woman I meet with is pretty much doing all the work...idk what is going on there, but I didn't ask too much). She really likes what I have been doing with the logo. Bonus! 
Here's what the logo looks like right now:
I will be working on it. Next blog, I will show you improvements and tell you plans for completed logo.

~Until My Next Adventure

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting Down to Some Seriously Serious Business!

Today, I got super serious about working on the Las Dos Damas logo. Here's my prototype:

I am still debating on this kind of look, or if they should be back to back with arms crossed...I will have to talk to the owner and see what she likes best. In the typical card, the lady is wearing blue and pink. I was thinking that I would put bohemian patterns on their clothes instead. I am having trouble deciding a background, however. Will the card be held by a hand, will this card have some flowery pattern in the back, or will I put cards from the actual loteria game sprawled out behind it? I will wait for further notice from my boss.

Focusing on Terra Java now, I have finally heard from one of the artists. It was not actually about art, but jewelry. Still, it's the best news I have had about any art being sold at the store, so I will take it with a grin.

I am trying to think of a profitable way to have a sandwich competition at Terra Java....should I host it on March 17 (st. patty's day) and have a celebration of some sorts for that? Perhaps that holiday is too alcohol oriented for a sandwich competition...I just emailed all the Terra Java staff for more ideas on the subject. Hopefully we can put our minds together and think of something cool. 

Focusing on Ray Eyewear, they want to host a special event every month (kinda like a sale, but not...the details are still being worked out by the owners of Ray Eyewear and Las Dos Damas). I think a sale would be cool, but only during christmas and summer, like typical stores. I think the special event should perhaps be a showcase of new items in stock (almost like a fashion show without models). Though, now that I think about it, a fashion show would be fun, both for Ray Eyewear and Las Dos Damas....I will have to go over this with them.

~Until My Next Adventure

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Loco About Logos

So I met with the lady who owns Las Dos Damas and started working on her with the logo. So far, I've taken about a hundred pictures (or so it feels) to try to get a perfect background and set up for the La Dama card idea. I need to somehow photoshop a card that has two ladies on it, making it the Las Dos Damas. The ideas are still a work in progress. My favorite picture is this one:

The two cards in this jewelry display hand aren't the actual La Dama cards, but I figured, with enough patience, I could photoshop them out and put in the La Dama cards. Only problem? This is way too much stuff for a logo....I need to create a simplified version. Perhaps it's time to hit the sketchbooks and then modify my sketches on the computer. I was thinking about the typical La Dama card (go to other blog for reference) but her blue outfit would be some bohemian looking pattern, along with putting the two ladies on one card.
I was also asked this week to do a logo for my friend, Tina McClain, who partially owns (I say this because it is family owned) a beauty school called Trenz that specializes in aesthetics. We brainstormed a lot of ideas together, but I have been so busy with Las Dos Damas that I haven't had time to focus on Trenz quite yet.
As for Terra Java, I need to organize advertising for a music showcase that may be coming up. First, we need to figure out a date and who is performing...yah, kinda the most important part of the whole event. But after we figure out that, I can survey people on how they discovered Terra Java before and after the event, as well as ask Chef Omei if the event increased popularity (aka sales).
I was also thinking about doing a poll on Terra Java's facebook asking which pastry or sandwich or coffee (one genre of their menu items) is their favorite. First, I have to talk to Chef Omei to see if she approves.

~Until My Next Adventure

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Super Duper "Why Did I Do This To Myself" Busy: Part 2

I finally finished the sign for Terra Java. I just need to get it laminated and put it out. Here's the picture of the poster for the traffic on the other side of the road:
I was surprised. Getting something laminated is a lot cheaper than I expected. They can laminate both of my posters for only $30. I thought it was a pretty good deal (and it looks a lot nicer than me wrapping both of them in packing tape or saran wrap).
Now onto the topic of social networking: unlike Terra Java, both Ray Eyewear and Las Dos Damas want me to only post something one to two times a week. For example, only post a picture and an update each week. Or, post a picture and a message with it saying that it's on sale or that it's the last one, etc...But it feels strange to neglect a site for that don't tell them that I told you this, but I am going to post a lot more pictures that I took on their pinterest and tumblr pages...shhh....
I still need to look up a good rate for stamps and stickers for Terra Java. The logo will be relatively cheap because it's only two or three colors and clean cut font (pretty easy to master). The logo I am working on for Terra Java will probably cost more, but I will still work on the logo and see if Chef Omei likes it.
Besides that, I need to contact more local artists and musicians. I just can't rely on the few people I contacted. When I'm done, it will feel like I emailed half the Phoenix population.
Also, I need to think of some more ways to reorganize the store Ray Eyewear. I already reorganized it, but I'm sure there's another way to get more attention to all of the items in the store. The people who own the store said that I should wear one of the shirts from Las Dos Damas while I'm in the store (free stuff!), which does help, but only if I am in the store more. Which doesn't look like it's gonna happen any time soon with my work schedule...oh well.

~Until My Next Adventure

Friday, February 22, 2013

Super Duper "Why Did I Do This To Myself" Busy: Part 1

Juggling three - oh, wait, four - jobs is a lot to handle for anybody. I am working as an Intern for Terra Java, I am working as a hired advertiser for Ray Eyewear (which will soon become called Ray Glasses, though I personally think Eyewear sounds better) and Las Dos Damas (a brand name that sells their items in the same store as Ray Eyewear), and I got a job at a burger and taco place called The Stand near my house.
So I have to keep track of everything and make sure I am dedicating enough time to each job. I just set up the facebook page for Las Dos Damas (translation: the two ladies), I updated the facebook for Ray Eyewear, and I am almost done with the sign for Terra Java's new hours. So far, so good. I am going to work on the logo for Las Dos Damas on Wednesday with the lady who owns the brand. We are going to use cards from the game Loteria; there is a specific card called La Dama. There are a few different versions of the art for the card, but the most popular looks like this: 

I don't like the look of it that much, mostly because the products she sells are bohemian style clothing and accessories handmade from India and the style of this doesn't really work, but, then again, a creative background or set up can change the entire feel of this card. 
For the extended hours, I already have poster #1 made. This one will go on the sign that we put outside and will face oncoming traffic. For poster #2, I will have to make it slightly different because it will face traffic on the opposite side of the road...a little harder to read tiny print from there. Here's a look at the completed poster #1:
For other fabulous pictures (please believe me when I say that the picture I took for the stores are much better than these), look up Las Dos Damas, Ray Eyewear, or Terra Java on facebook. I update all their sites with photos (although I don't take the photos for Terra Java). I mainly am using Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Yelp, though I think I might try to venture into the world of Instagram. 

~Until My Next Adventure

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Advertiser's Block...not as catchy as Writer's Block

I wonder if this is the correct way to approach this....
I have been doing everything I can think of for the two businesses I am working with right now: Terra Java and Ray Eyewear. This week I have mostly been working on Terra Java's social networking and community outreach. Next week I will work a little bit more on Ray Eyewear. But I am I going by the correct approach for Terra Java?
In order to spread the news that Terra Java has extended their hours, I have contacted every blogger and newspaper and magazine I can think of in the Phoenix area. I explained about Terra Java and my position and that we'd welcome reviews on the place and the extended hours, but I feel that this way is too pushy and  "needy" so to speak. I have updated all the social networking sites and plan on doing that more tomorrow as well (did you know that the social networking sites digg, plaxo pulse, geist, delicious, reddit, and technocratic favorites even existed? I sure didn't). I am also thinking about putting out a sign in front of Terra Java, or one of those tarps that people hang under their neon signs that say things like "grand opening" and "summer sale!" I just need to get my hands on a tarp...time to get creative. Besides that, I don't think I am doing this advertising thing correctly (at least for this circumstance). I will need to get some advice on advertising this one...
Also, I am working on getting customized stickers and stamps for Terra Java. These stickers and stamps will have the logo on them and we will be able to put them on various things, like to go cups and boxes. Maybe eventually, when the business is farther down the road, we will be able to get fancy customized coffee sleeves, mugs, etc. Until then, stickers and stamps is much cheaper (and just a little more fun).
On the note of Ray Eyewear, I am waiting to hear back about the log in info for all of the social networking sites and the website. They need a lot of help on their social networking, way more than Terra Java. Ray Eyewear has a lot of potential, but it just needs to get updated. I think it will be much easier to advertise Ray Eyewear on social networking because there of all the social networking sites dedicated to pictures only or that attract mostly picture oriented viewers, like pinterest and instagram. So far, I have only rearranged some of their store....ok, almost all of their store. But I think the rearrangement will help make their non-eyewear products more obvious.

In the meantime, here are some prototype logos I am working on for stickers/stamps for Terra Java. Not sure if they will be used, but it's a fun thought. Tell me what you like:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The World of Emailing and Chocolate Goodies

Contacting people by email is extremely convenient. It's simple, easy, and quick. The one problem? People are so busy with work, family, and other time consuming activities of life that people forget almost entirely that email exists.
Also calling. Because of email, texting, facebooking, etc, people have decided not to answer their phones. Even I do it. It's as if calling requires some mental effort that nobody wants to put in anymore. Perhaps it's even a fear of talking on the phone...having to talk with a complete stranger you can't even see and hoping that this stranger is not a telemarketer or some scary axe murderer from a horror flick (this last part might just be me). And then the one time you answer, it's a telemarketer, thus encouraging you to not answer your phone.
Anyways, back to emails. I have been trying to get a hold of various people this week: Arcadia Daily News, Phoenix News Times, many various local artists, and a few local bands/singers/musicians. Only two people have gotten back to me, and they were the two bands I contacted. The rest I must wait for. I have hopes for the new papers, but the artists...well, let's just say that there is a reason they aren't becoming more well known...(hint, it's because they don't communicate in a timely manner).
Besides emailing people, I have been busy updating all of Terra Java's info on websites like yellow pages, urbanspoon, yahoo listings, local eats, etc...I have also been trying to help Ray Eyewear out. I took pictures of his products and rearranged his whole store today (he literally let me move all of his furniture, glasses, and accessories into all different parts of the store). That was pretty exhausting, but at the same time rewarding. I'm hoping that the redesign will show off that he sells more than just glasses.
My next mission for Terra Java? Design a new logo (I am not sure yet if it will be just for fun or if it will become a new logo....we shall see), keep contacting people, advertise the extended hours (this might involve some fancy schmancy flyer making), and look for a good rate on customizable stamps and stickers for terra java to go boxes and cups.

In the meantime, take a gander at these delicious Valentine's Day goodies...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Something Most Interesting has Happened...

Prologue: Yesterday, I went to Terra Java, the coffee shop I am working with, and I talked to Chef Omei about what next steps to take for advertising. The shop is already doing so well, but there are still more avenues I can hit. For example, the local newspapers (Arcadia News, Camelback Quarter, etc) have never done a story that was just about Terra Java, and the advertisements need to look different and be put in different places, perhaps the Java Magazine in Arizona. We need to advertise her Valentine's Specials more both on social networking sites and community wise; get more artists, musicians, and other talent into the store; and contact writers, food bloggers, and groups/clubs to come into the store. I have already emailed a local artist and a phoenix food blogger (hopefully they get back to me soon), and I am starting on making more contact connections through facebook, twitter, pinterest, tumblr, yelp, etc...

The Interesting Part: So I ended my meeting with Chef Omei and, while walking outside, I thought to myself, why not take a look at the stores in this shopping center. Maybe they could be good places to collaborate with for ads or events? As my brain was turning as to how I could pull that off, I walked into the first store that I thought could be a potential collaborator: Ray Eyewear. It seemed artsy enough to be something that Terra Java would like. As I was looking around at the really awesome glasses, jewelery, and other accessories, I was greeted by the guy behind the counter. We started talking about this pair of glasses I had suddenly grew fond of, which started to spiral into a nice chit-chat conversation, which then spiraled into him revealing that he was the owner and he was offering me to also help him in his social-networking and website advertising.
I stood there, flabbergasted, and the only way to describe the look on my face was with this phrase: "what just happened?"
I was getting hired by other people without even knowing that I was soliciting my abilities. It is so exciting! To think that this could be more than a senior project; it could be a starter-up business. For now, I will have to wait on more details with the next meeting I am having with him later today.
But this could be really big.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

In the beginning, there was Social Networking

If you were ever wondering how the average teenager occupies their time, I have now discovered it.
Social Networking.
Yes, that crazy thing used by those crazy youngsters is actually used by many businesses to advertise and also gain more contacts. Being in charge of the advertising of Terra Java, it is my job to take care of the home pages of the business on every social networking site I can think of.
And thus starts the internet advertising.
While the process may seem simple (for example, "oh, I will just put my business info in and maybe explore a little on the site") it is actually very very difficult. And there are very very many of these difficult sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Yelp, and even more that I can neither think of nor fathom. Nor do I want to fathom them. Putting your info into the system is the easy part. Then you have to upload all the pictures, sometimes having to make and take pictures to upload, which takes hours for perfectionists like me. Then you have to keep the pictures, event info, and updates all, well, up to date. Then, after you've gained a handle on that, you have to start reaching out to contacts.
What do you mean by "contacts", you may ask? Well, "contacts" is a short way to say "people who may be interested in a business like yours and who may like to collaborate with your business in some manner." For example, the business I am advertising for, Terra Java, is a very artsy coffee shop and would like to find friends on Facebook who are local artists who might like to sell their artwork in the coffee shop. Connecting the dots to what kind of contacts you want to have is the simple part. Finding all the contacts, however, will take some time. Local talent, clubs/groups, and foodies are much harder to find on the internet than nationally know celebrity icons; however, it is always more fun to discover these local, down-to-earth people. Discovering them is a challenge, but also a reward, similar to creating the photos for the websites.
So far, I have been working on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Hopefully, by the end of this week, I will have gone through Tumblr and Yelp as well, along with any other social networking sites I can find.
The hobbies of an average teenager are exhausting, and the results take a while. In the meantime, please admire these photos that I spent a day creating/editing for the websites:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Decaff, extra "f" for emphasis

Hello all people who have stumbled onto this blog by accident, chance, fate, or other belief system. Perhaps you didn't quite know what the heck I was talking about in the last blog or what this blog is about. Luckily for you, I am going to write more about it, right here, right now, but in a free style colliquial manner that hopefully doesn't make you wish you had real mocha and not this mocha marketing blog.
First off, I'm a high school. I attend Basis Scottsdale, an extremely difficult school that kicked my butt into studying like a maniac while also squeezing in exercise, extra cirriculars, and volunteer activities. But a plus side to all this hard work is that I understand how to do hard work and appreciate it. I guess that's why I chose to do this senior research project.
What is this senior research project, you ask (or maybe didn't ask but I'm answering it anyways)? It's a project that seniors have a choice of doing during their third trimester while they don't go to school (yes, I did just say that seniors don't have school during the thrid trimester). During the project, we have to research a thesis of ours, usually through an internship or self-study. After a little over 3 months, we present some final product and give a presentation to teachers, parents, and other students.
The only problem was coming up with the thesis. I am interested in so many things and have questions about those things that it was hard to pick a subject. I am really interested in the sciences, but I am also curious about modern day economics and actually want to go into advertising. So I brainstormed. First, I started out with wanting to research the connection between taste and metabolism...unfortunately, it would have been completely self study and even self testing research because of the lack of information on it. It took me a while, but some help from teachers and friends, I came up with my current idea: to find the best method of advertising. I eventually came up with a thesis and modified it to the certain internship that I was lucky enough to get. Chef Omei, the owner of a small coffee and breakfast/brunch/lunch shop, was actually open to the idea of me, a high school senior, advertising her coffee shop. I didn't quite believe it at first (how many people would trust an 18 year old with their advertising?), but I met her in person and she really wanted to embrace the community and new ideas.
And now I will be researching through an awesome internship on the best way to market a small local coffee shop. I will be comparing internet advertising versus community outreach and which is most effective for this particular business. It's going to be a lot of work: facebook-ing and updating websites, making ads and articles to attract customers, inviting people to entertain at the shop, or finding groups who need space for some club, hobby, pta meeting, ect...but I think it will be a lot of fun.

Friday, January 11, 2013

First, the Basics

Research Question:
What method of advertising is the most profitable for a local coffee shop: social networking and other web presence or community outreach via local publishing?

Evidence to Assist:
Many have tried very inventive ways of reaching out through the community (Cowsultants). Many studies have found this more cost effective and better at attracting customers than web ads (McCabe, Forbes).
Many have attempted social networking and have found mixed results depending on the business; some business have found it effective in getting more business and connecting with customers on a more personal level, and some have found that the amount of people who like/follow you on social network sites does not correlate with business success (Pradiptarini).

I hope to establish that the most cost effective method of advertising for this particular kind of business is a balance between web presence and community outreach.

One or the other is best depending on the business. A balance of both will waste either money or time, or both. Some businesses, usually small and local business or one-person businesses thrive on the web, whereas larger businesses with a wider consumer demographic thrive on community outreach.

This project will allow me to discover the effectiveness of both strategies with a small local business that has a large consumer demographic.

For me, art has always been about catching people’s interest. Why do people like some art and not others? Why are connotations of certain colors and images different than others? And why did those loud, obnoxious nickelodeon commercials always mesmerize me when I was a little girl? I’m interested in understanding both the psychology of the human to understand the “why” and the formation of the art to understand the “what.” I found that advertising would be a great field to get into in order to become an expert in both “why” and “what” while always being enthralled with the ever-changing answers.