Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Noah Spencer Foundation Prototypes

So, shocker, still waiting on Bobby Keller to get back to me on the questions I asked him to answer for the press release. This is only the second time I have emailed him questions (and this time I made them very specific so it would be easier to answer) and still nothing. The funniest part was that he sent me an email in reply saying that he'd get back to me that night....still nothing.

I really want to vent some more, but that might turn nasty, so I will try to stay nice and just talk about the logos I've been working on for The Noah Spencer Foundation. I have three different logos, all of them prototypes. I sent them to Tina to see what she thinks and now I am just waiting for a response. Here's a look:

black and white (I'm not sure why it got cut off....I hope that's not how it looks when Tina opens it)
color with white background (I want to do something different with the stars, but I'm not sure yet what to do)
color with black background (I like this one best in some aspects, but not others...the stars look brighter, but you can barely read the lettering....maybe if I outline that in white?)

Besides that, there are no more updates. I never received a response from Suzy Lippmann at Terra Java, to whom I suggested an Art Show of some sorts. She either never got my email, thought of it as unimportant, or didn't want to upset me by saying that it's a bad idea. I am mature enough to handle criticism, so I won't be upset. What really upsets me is people not responding at all. I'd much rather get a rejection than silence.

Next Plan? Work on Trenz and hope in vain for a response from Bobby Keller or Suzy Lippmann.

~Until My Next Adventure

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